Monday, June 2, 2014

No sunscreen necessary

It was surely a wet weekend at Smith Lake!

It began to rain late Friday, and by Sunday morning the rain gauge measured 3 inches.  The ground had been quite dry because most of the early rain soaked right in, and the areas that are usually soggy after a rain of that magnitude were still relatively firm.

The woodlands are ponding the rain and had lots of standing water, which nature will filter before it makes it's way into the already swollen lakes.  Unfortunately, the vernal ponds make perfect breeding grounds for the mosquitos, and they are out in force.

The surprise on Sunday was the arrival of glorious sunshine around 4pm.  Naturally, just the time most weekend visitors are heading home.  Never fails to happen.  The winds came along and blew the mosquitoes back into the woods, which was a great relief.

Wild orchids: Yellow Lady's-slipper
The wildflowers that can be seen in our Smith Lake gardens this weekend are Columbine and Yellow Lady's-slipper.  This lovely yellow orchid is protected by a bit of chicken wire in the garden so it isn't inadvertently disturbed during the year when we are pulling weeds or raking leaves.  Here is some more information about the Yellow Lady's-slipper.

One more lovely flower in bloom that is a transplant from the Twin Cities is Bleeding Heart.  It's a favorite of mine from childhood, and fits beautifully in the woodland gardens at the Lake.
Bleeding Hearts and ferns


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